National Radar Network - SRT (eng)

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Layer name Radar National Network - SRT
Tag Rain
Folder / Layers / observation / radar
Description The SRT variable is the radar-detected precipitation cumulated on different durations provided by the composite of the Italian National Radar Network. The data measured by the weather radars composing the national radar network are processed and mosaicked at DPC-CFC. The variable displayed by default is the precipitation cumulated on 24 hours. The reference time indicates the end of the accumulative time span. The SRT maps are updated every hour and users can load each map within the time range.
Available variables Rainfall
Available accumulations 1, 3, 6, 12, 24 hours + time range
Available interpolation algorithms
Available filters Any threshold between 10 and 500mm
Spatial aggregations Municipalities, Provinces, Regions, Meteoclimatic Vigilance Areas, Warning Areas, Catchments

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